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Antiguo 01-Dec-2007, 13:31   #306
Insane workouts
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Fecha de Ingreso: 02-October-2007
Mensajes: 161
Iniciado por StefanCLK Ver Mensaje
Este es buen articulo para los que no les gustan hacer (piernas) lower body y solo se enfocan en bi/triceps, chest, shoulder & Back.

Lo queria traducir al español pero creo que el 92% de Velmax Lee perfectamente el Ingles.

alli va.

Everyone wants to know what it takes to get big muscles but not everyone is prepared to accept the answer. I’d like to tell you a little story about my best mate and the lesson he learned about getting big muscles; I hope he doesn’t mind.

The secret to big muscles and the boy who learned his lesson

All throughout high school and university I have had this friend who has shared the same passions as me. Martial arts, weight lifting, fitness and a whole host of other things. Over the years the dedication to and passion for these past-times might have gone up and down but we have always come back to them.

Weight training, in particular, has always provided many hours of entertainment and debate for us. We often sit around and talk about this exercise or that workout and argue about whether it is any good or not.

We also occasionally do some weights.


However, all throughout our weight lifting partnership I have always been a little angry about something. This particular issue drove me a little crazy.

My friend never did deadlifts and he never squatted.

The reason this drove me crazy was because I knew that these two exercises would help him achieve his goals a lot quicker. He wanted to be big and strong but wasn’t prepared to give these two killer exercises a go. I would often talk about how the deadlift and the squat would help him grow muscle all over his body but it seemed he never listened.

And then God intervened.

Well maybe not God - in fact it was an elbow injury. This elbow injury that my friend was lucky enough to receive forced him to stop doing all those “pretty boy” exercises like biceps curls and triceps extensions and start doing some leg work. He could no longer move his arms without causing a lot of pain so he finally hit the squats and deadlifts.

And now he is growing like never before.

You see squats and deadlifts are anabolic exercises. They use a lot of muscles in your body and they use them hard. A heavy squat will work your calfs, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes as well as your abs and back. It is a huge exercise. And using all of these muscles with a heavy weight causes your body to release mass loads of testosterone which causes other muscles to grow. This is why many famous bodybuilders will say “working your legs causes your biceps to grow”.

If you have not been experiencing the muscle growth that you would like then maybe you need to start hitting the big muscle groups a bit harder.

You might be surprised.

I don’t want to say “I told you so” mate but… I told you so.

ps: Por eso hagan Lower Body minimo 2 veces por semana!
El hacer pierna hace subir la produccion de tetosterona por el esfuerzo que se involucra al desarrollo del mismo.La tetosterona es la hormona responsable del crecimiento muscular.
por esa razon es que tu cuerpo crece mas .
Yo recomiendo hacer un dia femoral, y otro dia cuadriceps. de este modo la parte entrenada se desarrollara mejor y tendra un descanso mayor.

You want to know the secret? The secret to geting huge? enter here
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