Ver la Versión Completa : Tipo compra bicicleta de montana de Floyd Landis custom made en $5!!!!!

13-Aug-2010, 06:53
Hoy encontre este articulo, un tipo compro una biciclleta de montana en una venta de garage por $5, la sorpresa fue que era una bicicleta a medida para Floyd Landis!!!!!! ahora la esta vendiendo en $6000
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Thu Aug 12 12:10pm PDT
Bike bought for $5 at yard sale belonged to Floyd Landis (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/post/Bike-bought-for-5-at-yard-sale-belonged-to-Floy;_ylt=Al44AHXCCjSzkI5r5C1f8pScvZV4?urn=top-262060)

By Chris Chase (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs;_ylt=AilnAloCbZHZzlXkCNMq3YqcvZV4?author=Chr is+Chase)

http://a323.yahoofs.com/ymg/ept_sports_blog__1/ept_sports_blog-535774172-1281639877.jpg?ymFndmDDdZAYiu6yThe bicycle at a Kentucky yard sale had two flat tires, broken pedals and carried a $5 price tag. That didn't stop Greg Estes from buying the bike in hopes of flipping it for a small profit. He should get his wish, to the tune of a few thousand dollars.
It turns out the broken-down bicycle was originally owned by Floyd Landis (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=AsZz0Z92dnrFJCTgwYAkCCycvZV4/SIG=12p0n5ph4/**http%3A//www.lcni5.com/cgi-bin/c2.cgi%3F033%2Barticle%2BNews%2B201008111032050330 33001), who rode it in a race in 2007. The bike was built especially for Landis, complete with custom pedals that look foreign to those unfamiliar with professional cycling (hence the original seller's belief that the pedals were broken). It retailed for $8,000.
Landis rode the bike in a mountain-bike race one year after winning the Tour de France. That title, of course, was later stripped after the American cyclist tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. Landis is currently banned from the sport, but has stayed in the spotlight with his accusations against Lance Armstrong and other athletes.
[Photos: See the latest image of Landis and more of his former teammate Armstrong (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=AnqDLIRnac6BPFDKETMEHIGcvZV4/SIG=10qn0t2c1/**http%3A//yhoo.it/cBGor5)]
Estes told the Owenton News-Herald (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ag5CYyAGyQzNFgMyZIlgLIWcvZV4/SIG=12p0n5ph4/**http%3A//www.lcni5.com/cgi-bin/c2.cgi%3F033%2Barticle%2BNews%2B201008111032050330 33001) that the bike was found abandoned on an interstate and nobody ever reported it lost or stolen. He says he'll return the bike if someone claims it. For now though, authorities say it belongs to him.
I can understand someone thinking the bike wasn't worth a few thousand dollars. After all, how many abandoned bikes are custom-built jobs for Tour de France winners? But five dollars? That seems a little low. If I were having a yard sale I'd have probably put a $5 tag on the bike's water bottle. Even if the bike were an actual piece of junk, wouldn't, say, $25 be a more appropriate asking price?
> Anyway, just like he said, the Owenton, Ky., resident showcased his new bike at his own yard sale. Estes' asking price? Six-thousand dollars.


13-Aug-2010, 07:19
Que buenisimo! En donde habra que ir a las ventas de garage!?!?! QUe buen articulo!

13-Aug-2010, 18:38
Con lo que anda diciendo :nismo: :gtfo: , ni 5 len le van a querer dar..:caca2::caca2::caca2::caca2::caca2::caca2::ca ca2::caca2:

13-Aug-2010, 20:02
yo fui una vez a una venta de garage en US y como se encuentran buenas cosas a bajo precio, alla hay bastante gente que se mete a comprar cosas que solo necesiten pocas reparaciones para volverlas a vender :adorar: mi hermano me contaba que luego de graduarse la mara de la U ves a un montón de newbies aprovechando a hacerse de cosas

14-Aug-2010, 17:52
puta q metida de verga pego ese pisado asdkjasdlkasjlasdkjsdklj