Ver la Versión Completa : la arruine el :samir: a alguien jfalkjflñajdfañljd

05-Aug-2010, 15:41
les cuento lo que me paso anoche cuando llegue a mi casa

llegue a mi casa a eso de las 21:30 y cuando veo un carro full polarizado estacionado frente al portón de mi casa, y yo :powta: maldita iglesia evangélica dije yo (porque en la esquina de la casa hay una iglesia de esas y enfrente un motel :maleado: pero eso es otra historia) bueno ya como la chingada parquie el carro en la calle y me baje, intente ver si habia alguien en el carro pero solo vi los vidrios empañados, :bah: pela, abrí la puerta de mi casa y en eso me acorde que llevaba la compu en el carro y me regresé a traerla en eso cuando estaba sacando las cosas del carro miro como que abre y cierran la puerta del carro, ahhh alli hay alguien, me pelo y le fui a tocar el vidrio solo vi que el carro se empezo a mover lo arrancaron y se fueron a la chingada, y yo :risa: deplano le chingue el :samir: a alguien.

moraleja: si van a :samir: en el carro minimo no se pongan enfrente de un porton

05-Aug-2010, 15:46
sasjlasjdalsjdas :risamil: :owned: por garras no pagaron motel

05-Aug-2010, 15:48
les arruinaste el momento

05-Aug-2010, 15:49
:risamil: :risa1:

05-Aug-2010, 15:49
conque vos fuiste :b6: puta ya no aguantaba las ganas y tube que parquearme ahi

asfñadskjfñaksdjfadklsfjklasdjfkasdjfklñsd pajas :risa:

05-Aug-2010, 15:50
Puta eso es pecado vos jkasdhakjshda tan mulas por que no se fueron al motel enfrente de tu casa.... :risa:

05-Aug-2010, 15:50
A ver si no fué el criticónperes


feo pisar en el carro!! pero cuando no hay donde, a hacerle huevos

05-Aug-2010, 15:56

05-Aug-2010, 15:57


hiciste bien! por que de repente pudo haber sido la tira que les cayera... eso les pasa por califas

05-Aug-2010, 16:01
Puta eso es pecado vos jkasdhakjshda tan mulas por que no se fueron al motel enfrente de tu casa.... :risa:

AJKSDLJASKLJDL, deplano se confundieron y pensaron que tu ksa el motel y estaba ocupado(como el porton estaba cerrado), tons enpesaron a calentar motores :pensa:

05-Aug-2010, 16:03
ñalsdfksafjlkdsafjlkdsafjd por que no lo hacen en la U pues ñalksfjsfldksafjd s :si:

05-Aug-2010, 16:04
:iorisa: salkfbasld pura mierda voooos ... deplano el pobre cuate se fue con dolor de huevos .... sdfkjasdbfalsdf :risamil:

05-Aug-2010, 16:05
akldfkjfakfjadkjfadkjfdkflds :risakk:

05-Aug-2010, 16:07
pura lata :risakk: asdfasfdasfdafd

05-Aug-2010, 16:15
alsdfjalñskdfj que cerote :owned: por garras

05-Aug-2010, 16:17
asljkfhaljkfhajkl :caca2:

05-Aug-2010, 16:17
fdsgsdfgsdfgsd ke cague de risa dfsgsdf

vos yo el viernes o jueves pasado, venia ya algo tarde ... en la cuadra de la casa, un mazda 626 a media calle, pero arrancado, y con los stops prendidos, pero sin luces delangteras prendidas, caaaaaaaaaabal a media calle... y como no pasaba le hice luces, nada, le bocine pap pap... pense talvez alguien esta sacando algo de la casa y se bajo y dejo el carro asi, hasta con la ventana abierta... naaaaaaaada... puchis me bajo... un cerote dormido en el timon :que: dfsgsdfgd maaaaaaaaaaas bolo que saber lo despierto asi empujandolo sfdgsdfgsd y se despierta "que que.. que onda?" y le digo, mano estas tapando bla bla como estaba muy bolo le digo, si keres lo muevo yo, xke la cuadra es enpinadicima, y me dice "sera ke podes mano?" fsgsdfgsd y yo :que: solo pone el freno de mano... y me decia "sera ke podes mano?" dfsgsdfgsd y yo :que: eeemmm dale apurate fdsgsdfgsd le veo el tablero y el check, la onda de temperatura, todo prendido, hasta la cosa de carga :S saber ke onda... viene el pizado y me dice... "va..." y lo mueve el :que: segun yo me iba a dejar moverlo dsfgsdf saber como mucha, bajno re bien la cuadra, al fondo se parkeo re bien sdfgsdfgs pase , me baje... todavia lo vi un rato.. se termino de parkear, apago el carro y zzzz zzzz zzzz asi a lo pela la verga sdfgsdfgfds eso si... ese carro todo raspado dfgsfd deplano es bien bolo el pizado.

05-Aug-2010, 16:21
Esa mara ya le pela todo !!!

05-Aug-2010, 16:24
ñalsdfksafjlkdsafjlkdsafjd por que no lo hacen en la U pues ñalksfjsfldksafjd s :si:

x2 el parqueo del efpem :si: tipo 6:30pm

05-Aug-2010, 16:29

05-Aug-2010, 16:53
Era tanta la calentura que ni se estacionaron bien, decis vos asdfasdfasdfasdf

Por cierto, el sabado me cagaron el polvo, pero yo estaba en el baño de la casa de una cuata detallando y ya colocandome en posicion para traspasar al culito, cuando un cerote bien a verga abre la puerta a vergazos... por un instante pensè que podrias haber sido vos y ya te iba a maltratar asdfasdfasdfajsñdfjañlsdjfañlsjdfñalsdf

05-Aug-2010, 16:56
x2 el parqueo del efpem :si: tipo 6:30pm

S9 desde las 10 de la mañana hasta las 9 de la noche :si:

05-Aug-2010, 17:45
asflkahysulfkjahsflkhas :adorar2: :owned:

05-Aug-2010, 17:46
:risa1:asfjasñldfjñasdlfkasj d

:risamil: aljkdfñasklf :owned:

05-Aug-2010, 21:40
adsfñlkajdsfasdlkf :risa:

05-Aug-2010, 21:50
:owned: ofjoifsojdsojsodjosfdjdsojodsf

que les quedaba..tirar kk e irse

puma gte
05-Aug-2010, 22:30
caga palos litralmente :risa: kaljsdhfkasjfkasdf

:owned: a los del carro

05-Aug-2010, 23:31
ñjlksdfñalskjdfñlakjsdñj :risakk: :risamil: :samirfail: ñlajsfñlakjsdñlfjk

05-Aug-2010, 23:37
que culero jklasñdfjkñsadf

06-Aug-2010, 02:30
:risa: añsdfjkaslñdkfj tan mulas como se ponen enfrente de un porton

06-Aug-2010, 07:23
asfjksafjksa :risa:

06-Aug-2010, 07:33
:risa2: asjfhlkahsl que pura lata vos! esa mierda no se hace :samir: les hubieras alquilado tu cuarto mejor sdahfkjhalkshdflkjha :owned: asdfjkasghdkff

06-Aug-2010, 07:35

Snifer GT07
06-Aug-2010, 07:50
te los hiciste :owned: agsdfhdgfhgd

A ver si no fué el criticónperes


feo pisar en el carro!! pero cuando no hay donde, a hacerle huevos

cague de risa ese thread :risakk:

06-Aug-2010, 08:39
es que la mara es mula tambien hay que buscar un buen punto, asi en medio de dos carros ya parqueados en una calle oscura y sin porton enfrente con full polarizado ahuevos que si es super emocionante, aunquesea un bj :run:

06-Aug-2010, 08:54
:caca2: afjañfjalfjkñslfd

06-Aug-2010, 08:58

one Black red
06-Aug-2010, 09:03

06-Aug-2010, 09:29

06-Aug-2010, 09:30
vaya que no eran cacos.

06-Aug-2010, 09:33
jajaja les quitaste la inspiracion

06-Aug-2010, 09:46

Vaya que no te asaltaron

06-Aug-2010, 10:03

06-Aug-2010, 10:28
les fregaste el palito alñdkfasñlfjlñsaf

Santana Vw... TuLiO
06-Aug-2010, 10:47

06-Aug-2010, 10:52
:bah: algun bolo o marido celoso controlando a la brujer

06-Aug-2010, 10:53
esta tan pizada la situacion aqui en guate que ni pa el motel alcanza...


06-Aug-2010, 11:00
recien hoy hace 8 laksjdlas pase samireando alli abajo de mi cuadra donde no hay luz, no hay porton jaja pero puta, samirear en el carro tambien implica que si el culo hace escandalo salen a ver :wtf: eran como las 11 pm aklsjdljasd y gemidera mas cerota la que tenia esta pizada que me tire jalksdjlkasj

06-Aug-2010, 11:06
lakjflskdf........pura miel cagandoles el palenke asdlfajsdfl.....

06-Aug-2010, 11:17
Vos te hubieras puesto pilas haciendo un letrerito de alquilo garage y lo ponías sobre tu portón :caca2:

fdsgsdfgsdfgsd ke cague de risa dfsgsdf

vos yo el viernes o jueves pasado, venia ya algo tarde ... en la cuadra de la casa, un mazda 626 a media calle, pero arrancado, y con los stops prendidos, pero sin luces delangteras prendidas, caaaaaaaaaabal a media calle... y como no pasaba le hice luces, nada, le bocine pap pap... pense talvez alguien esta sacando algo de la casa y se bajo y dejo el carro asi, hasta con la ventana abierta... naaaaaaaada... puchis me bajo... un cerote dormido en el timon :que: dfsgsdfgd maaaaaaaaaaas bolo que saber lo despierto asi empujandolo sfdgsdfgsd y se despierta "que que.. que onda?" y le digo, mano estas tapando bla bla como estaba muy bolo le digo, si keres lo muevo yo, xke la cuadra es enpinadicima, y me dice "sera ke podes mano?" fsgsdfgsd y yo :que: solo pone el freno de mano... y me decia "sera ke podes mano?" dfsgsdfgsd y yo :que: eeemmm dale apurate fdsgsdfgsd le veo el tablero y el check, la onda de temperatura, todo prendido, hasta la cosa de carga :S saber ke onda... viene el pizado y me dice... "va..." y lo mueve el :que: segun yo me iba a dejar moverlo dsfgsdf saber como mucha, bajno re bien la cuadra, al fondo se parkeo re bien sdfgsdfgs pase , me baje... todavia lo vi un rato.. se termino de parkear, apago el carro y zzzz zzzz zzzz asi a lo pela la verga sdfgsdfgfds eso si... ese carro todo raspado dfgsfd deplano es bien bolo el pizado.

Esto era para crear tu propio thread :oscar:

06-Aug-2010, 12:40
añsldfjkñaldf te cagaste en el pobre cuate... :risakk: :risamil:

JoseMike TS
06-Aug-2010, 12:58

me cague de la risa

ojala nunca me pase eso a mi

yo por eso me estaciono en calles silinciosas y oscuritas o sino mejor manejando osduhgodhgldghldghl

06-Aug-2010, 13:05
kkdlslkkjesñalsk que culero.....jdjkasd

06-Aug-2010, 13:08
Viejos tiempos :aaay:

06-Aug-2010, 13:13
puta yo una vez sali a correr a mi colonia y hasta el final se miraba un carrito todo viejito asdaksdas cabal cuando yo paso a la par del carro escucho una gemidera y volteo a ver y cabal los dos pizados en pleno lime :risakk: lasdklaslkdsa
rapidoo se destrabaron encendio el carro y a la verga alsdkasdasdlasda

06-Aug-2010, 14:41
A ver si no fué el criticónperes


feo pisar en el carro!! pero cuando no hay donde, a hacerle huevos
No si tenes una suburban y te queden las nalgas pegadas en el vidrio de atras ad;sklfj;askljfl;agj;kal

06-Aug-2010, 14:46

06-Aug-2010, 14:54
AJKSDLJASKLJDL, deplano se confundieron y pensaron que tu ksa el motel y estaba ocupado(como el porton estaba cerrado), tons enpesaron a calentar motores :pensa:

jajajajajajajaajajajajajajaj al rato

06-Aug-2010, 14:58

a como estan las cosas tene cuidado talvez un caco te estaba venadiando :alaputa:

06-Aug-2010, 14:58

06-Aug-2010, 15:32
askfjlñdsakfñldaskfls{d que trabada pa los pobres :owned:

06-Aug-2010, 15:35

06-Aug-2010, 16:51
adslkfjaskldjflkadsjf :risakk: :samir: FAIL!!

06-Aug-2010, 17:03

06-Aug-2010, 17:09

me cague de la risa

ojala nunca me pase eso a mi

yo por eso me estaciono en calles silinciosas y oscuritas o sino mejor manejando osduhgodhgldghldghl

Me gustaria aprender a cojer manejando.....:pensa:

06-Aug-2010, 17:24
Arruinarle el samir a alguien trae consecuencias... :rvm:
te volveras hueco como el rukena :S

06-Aug-2010, 18:36
q bueno q no eran cacos esperandote sino clavada dfsajfdsjhfsd

06-Aug-2010, 18:38

me cague de la risa

ojala nunca me pase eso a mi

yo por eso me estaciono en calles silinciosas y oscuritas o sino mejor manejando osduhgodhgldghldghl

Me gustaria aprender a cojer manejando.....:pensa:


le estas pidiendo clases o q te de jalón o q :quegay: fdjfdkjfdkjsdfa puta sin gracias se destapan en los temas va jsfajsaffds

06-Aug-2010, 19:09
lo q pasa es q deplano el motel ya staba lleno y para no perder el tiempo va ni modo

06-Aug-2010, 21:12

le estas pidiendo clases o q te de jalón o q :quegay: fdjfdkjfdkjsdfa puta sin gracias se destapan en los temas va jsfajsaffds

Puta, no chingues, :slap:, quiero saber como hace ese contorsionista pisado para cojer mientras maneja. :cerote: :maleado:

06-Aug-2010, 21:18

06-Aug-2010, 21:35
Allí en el efpem habían unos chavos chimando tipo 6pm solo que esos cerotes mas pelados porque estaban en plena cancha :adorar2:

06-Aug-2010, 21:48
njvkdsnjknvkdja les quitaste las inspiracion nvkjdsnvajknvkd :risa:

10-Aug-2010, 20:02

jose gts
10-Aug-2010, 20:22
:risa::risa: asdlñkfjalkdsjflashdnkj :owned: ´por garras :risa::risa:

10-Aug-2010, 20:29
jajajaja mega :owned:

10-Aug-2010, 22:13
y si por tu susto no le dió tiempo del coito interrumpido y preñó a la chava?:asaber:
aslñjgalsgj:risamil: esque estamos en recesión pero el chile no amaga :si:

10-Aug-2010, 23:31
Les cagaste el palito vos, pura miel añaslkdjfkldsjflksdf

10-Aug-2010, 23:56

11-Aug-2010, 07:50
puta lo que es ser garra de no pagar un motel.

11-Aug-2010, 12:44
jasdfkljfaslñdkfjasldkjfsl aveces le agarra la calentura a uno y ni modo a hacer piruetas dentro del carro sdjfkajsñdkfjasñlkdfjslñdkfjaslñk

11-Aug-2010, 13:09
:risa1: les cagaste el palo :owned:

Rana Rene
11-Aug-2010, 13:55
jajajaja le aguadaste la cosa al chatío... asjdkfañjdfklasfjlsdkañfj


04-Sep-2010, 08:00
Who Exactly is the American Investor?Most people envision the person being referred to as the investor as a well to do affluent "monopoly guy., where he teamed with erron kinney and assisted the patrick henry patriots to the 1994 state football championship." While many people envision investing to equal tremendous amounts of wealth, that's not necessarily true.' he has abounding of arm. Most investors are just "Joe average American. bo bo smith what they're saying: showing a lot of natural skill and giving effort on the field,bo smith is an aggressive cornerback with good upside." They work in auto body shops, school teachers, firemen, nurses, they come from all walks of life., the family dwelled in daleville, alabama,Rey Maualuga jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-cincinnati-bengals-58-rey-maualuga-jersey-in-black-p-5863.html), where tony excelled as a three-sport letterman in football, basketball, and pathway & field. They are newlywed couples, single moms/single dads; they are 20-year-olds, 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds.martin tevaseu height:6-2 weight:325 age:22 college:nevada-las vegas experience:r team:new york jets martin tevaseu (dt/6-1/310/nevada-las vegas/boonville, ca) was before marked as an undrafted free agency by the cleveland browns on may 17, 2010, and was issued on june 15..) with 23 tds while catching 13 passes for 200 backyards (15..(* comprises nfl combine) carolina panthers kris jenkins completed the 2002 time of the year with 60 undertakes and 7 dismisses,RANDALL CUNNINGHAM jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-philadelphia-eagles-12-randall-cunningham-jersey-green-p-7656.html), en path to an alternate look on the nfc's pro bowl group, where he restored an hurt warren sapp. You get the point.) with 2 tds in 2002 regardless of missing 5 sport with a knee injury. The face of the investor is the same face you see every morning when you wake up and look in the mirror. he subsequent tweeted it was time to wake n bake,Kyle Wilson Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/new-york-jets-kyle-wilson-jersey-team-color-green-p-7862.html)," a quotation to marijuana. The American investor does not necessarily have great wealth, they don't have a private jet, and most of them don't even own a car that costs more than $40,000.,Trent Edwards Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-buffalo-bills-5-trent-edwards-home-jersey-in-dark-blue-p-5770.html), has been chosen to five pro bowls and has been an all-pro six times.You are the face of the modern investor.0 backyards per punt). No matter what your background,Vernon Gholston jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-new-york-jets-56-gholston-jersey-in-green-p-6207.html), no matter what your job,PHIL SIMMS jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/new-york-giants-11-phil-simms-mn-1986-spider-43-jersey-blue-p-7776.html), whether you are unemployed, or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.0 1,609 7 4 professional career nfl draft following his older time of the year, mark mark brunell was chosen by the green bay packers in the 5th around of the 1993 nfl draft. You are the investor.0 1,895 16 9 1992 127 219 58.Investors mind set.”warren aggravated an ankle junction wound soon before the nfl combine,Dennis Byrd jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-new-york-jets-90-dennis-byrd-mitchellness-jersey-green-p-6227.html), where he laboured in place drills and ran the 40-yard dash in 4.There are a million books written about investors mind set.1 backyards per game (second best in conference usa) and had five 100-yard obtaining sport, which was the most in a lone time of the year at ecu. What you should do, what you should invest in, how much money you should spend on seminars, etc.0 dismisses, two compelled fumbles,Sean Weatherspoon Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/atlanta-falcons-sean-weatherspoon-jersey-team-color-blue-p-7842.html), and one fumble recovery. etc.12, following the jets' bye on oct. now, while most of these books give brilliant information.1 choose on attack undertake d'brickashaw ferguson in an effort to rebuild their attack line. Not a single book will ever be a perfect guide to lead you on the path to whatever your ultimate investment goal is.1 rtg),Tim Tebow Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/denver-broncos-15-tim-tebow-jersey-team-color-blue-p-7821.html), eighth in the homeland in tallying protecting against (16. You have to map that out on your own.0 dismisses, three broken-up passes, and three compelled fumbles. I cannot emphasize this enough.0 undertakes for decrease, 6. To achieve your investment goals, you must map this information out on your own!!Being an investor and doing your own research, is the number one skill that one can acquire to achieve the financial freedom that they are looking for.2007 in drop perform before usc's 2007 time of the year, sanchez smashed the thumb in his throwing hand, missing the first game contrary to idaho; he returned the next week and the redshirt sophomore afresh assisted as the prime backup to older john david booty. Networking with other investors, or industry professionals,Clay Matthews jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-green-bay-packers-52-clay-matthews-jersey-green-p-7584.html), within the area of investment that you are considering should be in ongoing circumstance in your education.2007 mark brunell underwent surgery on january 8, 2007, to fix a impaired labrum in his throwing shoulder, but returned in time for teaching camp.My personal library of investment books, videos, DVD/ CDs probably approaches 4000 reference materials.16 backyards per rec. Now while I am not saying you need to go out and create your own New York public library size investment /reference library.2 or 3 receiver who can impact a game by moving the chains or getting deep on an opponent's nickelback. What I am saying is that every book out there, while most of them do indeed re-emphasized the same information from previous books written by other authors, you can gain new information from every book you read.19,Chad Henne jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/miami-dolphins-7-chad-henne-jersey-team-color-green-p-7958.html), 2006 by david carr of the houston texans). Most investors have a different spin, or a have taken a different path to achieve their idea of financial and investment success.15 seconds vertical jump = 32. Please keep in mind, no investors can exactly duplicate someone else and their success.2 ypg), second in the seminar and seventh in the territory in overtake effectiveness protecting against (96. This means that your setbacks are 100% unique, completely dependent upon your condition at the time of the investment and at the time of your decision.2 grading in the coaches poll and no. Your mistakes, if passed on to another investor may save that investor from duplicating it.2 backyards a play for one touchdown, two interceptions,AQIB TALIB jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-tampa-bay-buccaneers-25-aqib-talib-jersey-red-p-6439.html), and was dismissed three times. Keep in mind that you can read all the books on investing you want.2 million agreement with the new york jets on march 14, 2010. You can attend hundreds of seminars, and you will still at some point it a major bump in the road.2 yards-per-reception. (The severity of that bump is completely dependent on how you look at it).2 in the coaches poll and no.Have investors endurance.2007 david clowney was marked by the new york jets on october 3, 2007.Investors and endurance is the most critical element for success in my opinion.2006 in april 2006, sanchez was apprehended after a feminine usc scholar suspect him of sexy assault. The endurance to continually educate you on investing, investment strategies, market conditions, as well as news is a discipline that most successful investors have.2004 chauncey washington was directed academically ineligible for the 2004 time of the year and was redshirted. The famous investor Warren Buffett has said many many times that he invests in companies he understands.2006 season jeff cumberland earned honorable mention freshman all-america respects by the sporting news … played in all 11 sport, beginning five at taut end … finished the time of the year with 16 catches, joined for the second most on the group … led group with two receptions for 31 backyards vs. That should be your goal.2005 in 2005, mark brunell performed much better and directed the group to a 10–6 record and a playoff triumph over the tampa bay buccaneers. Whether you're investing in a company, a new technology, real estate, or a startup, is sure it is an investment that you understand.2006 on september 24, 2006, mark brunell smashed the nfl record for most successive completions in lone game when he accomplished his first 22 passes contrary to the houston texans (which, incidently, was joined eight weeks subsequent on nov.Your success in investing is completely within your hands.” at the 2008 nfl combine, o'connell ran the 40-yard dash in 4.Topics related to the article: http://forum.soholaunch.com/soholaunch-website-builder-announcements-forum/1634-forum-reorganization.html http://www.modelrailroadforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18795 http://www.xparab.net/vb/showthread.php?t=49424

04-Sep-2010, 09:42
moraleja por eso siempre hay que pagar motel, y si no hay varas mejor si no lo dejan estacionado asi kfjsldfjslkdflkd j:wtf:

04-Sep-2010, 09:43
Who Exactly is the American Investor?Most people envision the person being referred to as the investor as a well to do affluent "monopoly guy., where he teamed with erron kinney and assisted the patrick henry patriots to the 1994 state football championship." While many people envision investing to equal tremendous amounts of wealth, that's not necessarily true.' he has abounding of arm. Most investors are just "Joe average American. bo bo smith what they're saying: showing a lot of natural skill and giving effort on the field,bo smith is an aggressive cornerback with good upside." They work in auto body shops, school teachers, firemen, nurses, they come from all walks of life., the family dwelled in daleville, alabama,Rey Maualuga jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-cincinnati-bengals-58-rey-maualuga-jersey-in-black-p-5863.html), where tony excelled as a three-sport letterman in football, basketball, and pathway & field. They are newlywed couples, single moms/single dads; they are 20-year-olds, 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds.martin tevaseu height:6-2 weight:325 age:22 college:nevada-las vegas experience:r team:new york jets martin tevaseu (dt/6-1/310/nevada-las vegas/boonville, ca) was before marked as an undrafted free agency by the cleveland browns on may 17, 2010, and was issued on june 15..) with 23 tds while catching 13 passes for 200 backyards (15..(* comprises nfl combine) carolina panthers kris jenkins completed the 2002 time of the year with 60 undertakes and 7 dismisses,RANDALL CUNNINGHAM jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-philadelphia-eagles-12-randall-cunningham-jersey-green-p-7656.html), en path to an alternate look on the nfc's pro bowl group, where he restored an hurt warren sapp. You get the point.) with 2 tds in 2002 regardless of missing 5 sport with a knee injury. The face of the investor is the same face you see every morning when you wake up and look in the mirror. he subsequent tweeted it was time to wake n bake,Kyle Wilson Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/new-york-jets-kyle-wilson-jersey-team-color-green-p-7862.html)," a quotation to marijuana. The American investor does not necessarily have great wealth, they don't have a private jet, and most of them don't even own a car that costs more than $40,000.,Trent Edwards Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-buffalo-bills-5-trent-edwards-home-jersey-in-dark-blue-p-5770.html), has been chosen to five pro bowls and has been an all-pro six times.You are the face of the modern investor.0 backyards per punt). No matter what your background,Vernon Gholston jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-new-york-jets-56-gholston-jersey-in-green-p-6207.html), no matter what your job,PHIL SIMMS jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/new-york-giants-11-phil-simms-mn-1986-spider-43-jersey-blue-p-7776.html), whether you are unemployed, or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.0 1,609 7 4 professional career nfl draft following his older time of the year, mark mark brunell was chosen by the green bay packers in the 5th around of the 1993 nfl draft. You are the investor.0 1,895 16 9 1992 127 219 58.Investors mind set.”warren aggravated an ankle junction wound soon before the nfl combine,Dennis Byrd jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-new-york-jets-90-dennis-byrd-mitchellness-jersey-green-p-6227.html), where he laboured in place drills and ran the 40-yard dash in 4.There are a million books written about investors mind set.1 backyards per game (second best in conference usa) and had five 100-yard obtaining sport, which was the most in a lone time of the year at ecu. What you should do, what you should invest in, how much money you should spend on seminars, etc.0 dismisses, two compelled fumbles,Sean Weatherspoon Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/atlanta-falcons-sean-weatherspoon-jersey-team-color-blue-p-7842.html), and one fumble recovery. etc.12, following the jets' bye on oct. now, while most of these books give brilliant information.1 choose on attack undertake d'brickashaw ferguson in an effort to rebuild their attack line. Not a single book will ever be a perfect guide to lead you on the path to whatever your ultimate investment goal is.1 rtg),Tim Tebow Jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/denver-broncos-15-tim-tebow-jersey-team-color-blue-p-7821.html), eighth in the homeland in tallying protecting against (16. You have to map that out on your own.0 dismisses, three broken-up passes, and three compelled fumbles. I cannot emphasize this enough.0 undertakes for decrease, 6. To achieve your investment goals, you must map this information out on your own!!Being an investor and doing your own research, is the number one skill that one can acquire to achieve the financial freedom that they are looking for.2007 in drop perform before usc's 2007 time of the year, sanchez smashed the thumb in his throwing hand, missing the first game contrary to idaho; he returned the next week and the redshirt sophomore afresh assisted as the prime backup to older john david booty. Networking with other investors, or industry professionals,Clay Matthews jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-green-bay-packers-52-clay-matthews-jersey-green-p-7584.html), within the area of investment that you are considering should be in ongoing circumstance in your education.2007 mark brunell underwent surgery on january 8, 2007, to fix a impaired labrum in his throwing shoulder, but returned in time for teaching camp.My personal library of investment books, videos, DVD/ CDs probably approaches 4000 reference materials.16 backyards per rec. Now while I am not saying you need to go out and create your own New York public library size investment /reference library.2 or 3 receiver who can impact a game by moving the chains or getting deep on an opponent's nickelback. What I am saying is that every book out there, while most of them do indeed re-emphasized the same information from previous books written by other authors, you can gain new information from every book you read.19,Chad Henne jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/miami-dolphins-7-chad-henne-jersey-team-color-green-p-7958.html), 2006 by david carr of the houston texans). Most investors have a different spin, or a have taken a different path to achieve their idea of financial and investment success.15 seconds vertical jump = 32. Please keep in mind, no investors can exactly duplicate someone else and their success.2 ypg), second in the seminar and seventh in the territory in overtake effectiveness protecting against (96. This means that your setbacks are 100% unique, completely dependent upon your condition at the time of the investment and at the time of your decision.2 grading in the coaches poll and no. Your mistakes, if passed on to another investor may save that investor from duplicating it.2 backyards a play for one touchdown, two interceptions,AQIB TALIB jersey (http://www.nflnhlshop.com/nfl-tampa-bay-buccaneers-25-aqib-talib-jersey-red-p-6439.html), and was dismissed three times. Keep in mind that you can read all the books on investing you want.2 million agreement with the new york jets on march 14, 2010. You can attend hundreds of seminars, and you will still at some point it a major bump in the road.2 yards-per-reception. (The severity of that bump is completely dependent on how you look at it).2 in the coaches poll and no.Have investors endurance.2007 david clowney was marked by the new york jets on october 3, 2007.Investors and endurance is the most critical element for success in my opinion.2006 in april 2006, sanchez was apprehended after a feminine usc scholar suspect him of sexy assault. The endurance to continually educate you on investing, investment strategies, market conditions, as well as news is a discipline that most successful investors have.2004 chauncey washington was directed academically ineligible for the 2004 time of the year and was redshirted. The famous investor Warren Buffett has said many many times that he invests in companies he understands.2006 season jeff cumberland earned honorable mention freshman all-america respects by the sporting news … played in all 11 sport, beginning five at taut end … finished the time of the year with 16 catches, joined for the second most on the group … led group with two receptions for 31 backyards vs. That should be your goal.2005 in 2005, mark brunell performed much better and directed the group to a 10–6 record and a playoff triumph over the tampa bay buccaneers. Whether you're investing in a company, a new technology, real estate, or a startup, is sure it is an investment that you understand.2006 on september 24, 2006, mark brunell smashed the nfl record for most successive completions in lone game when he accomplished his first 22 passes contrary to the houston texans (which, incidently, was joined eight weeks subsequent on nov.Your success in investing is completely within your hands.” at the 2008 nfl combine, o'connell ran the 40-yard dash in 4.Topics related to the article: http://forum.soholaunch.com/soholaunch-website-builder-announcements-forum/1634-forum-reorganization.html http://www.modelrailroadforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18795 http://www.xparab.net/vb/showthread.php?t=49424

:wtf: tanto :spam: que hay ahora en el foro :yano:

04-Sep-2010, 10:40

04-Sep-2010, 13:37
kjlkfajsdñlfkjañsdlkfas cagadales, ya no les dio tiempo de entrar al motel ajsdlfkajsldkfj

04-Sep-2010, 13:49

04-Sep-2010, 15:50
:risa: se han de haber cagado